"NOBODY KNOWS MY SONGS" - Documentary Film
In the months before he left Canada, a street photographer Berge meets a misfit Sebastian who at the moment lives in the tent under the bridge.
A friendship develops, and the photographer enters the world of semi-homeless punk-rock youth who often call themselves "dirty kids." Sebastian is deeply in love with Emily. That becomes Berge's obsession and the reason for his artistic and spiritual quest.
Featuring: Berge Arabian, Sebastian Belec, Emily Broughton
Directed by Zoran Maslic
Documentary, 91 minutes
English, Spanish and Greek subtitles!
BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY at 2016 Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival
FINALIST at 2017 Calcutta International Cult Film Festival
2017 Peloponnisos Documentary Festival
2017 Auroville Film Festival
2017 CINEFEST Los Angeles
2016 Lisbon International Film Festival
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